
Monday, May 9, 2011

Strawberries with Cannoli Cream Dip

I don’t know about you, but after last week’s hearty, Mexican-inspired recipes, I’m in the mood for something a little lighter.  A little more Spring-like.  Something containing fruit.  Something like today’s recipe for Strawberries with Cannoli Cream Dip.

I’ve had this recipe saved to try for about a year.  A big sale on strawberries last week gave me the excuse I’d been waiting for to try it out.  Of course, like so many recipes I tell you about, after just one bite, I kicked myself for not trying this one sooner.

Imagine all of the creamy, slightly sweet flavor of traditional cannoli filling paired with juicy, ripe strawberries instead of the typical cookie wrapper.  Heavenly – as good as the original with a springtime twist.  If you’re not a fan of strawberries, this dip would also be amazing as a dip for cookies or graham crackers, spread on top of brownies, or even as a topper for cupcakes.  It’s even good straight out of the bowl.  Not that I would eat dip right from the bowl or anything… Just sayin’.

One Year Ago: S’mores Cookies - so, so good and so, so easy!

Strawberries with Cannoli Cream Dip
Adapted from Baked Bree via Tasty Kitchen

15 oz. ricotta cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. grated orange zest (optional)
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

Strawberries for dipping

Place the ricotta and sugar in a food processor or blender and process until smooth and creamy.

Transfer the ricotta mixture to a mixing bowl and stir in the cinnamon, orange zest (if using), vanilla, and most of the chocolate chips.

Transfer the mixture to a serving bowl and top with the remaining chocolate chips. Serve with strawberries for dipping.  (Or cookies, or graham crackers, or brownies…)

Note: The dip will stay fresh for 2 days, tightly covered in the refrigerator.


  1. Oh, Yum!

    This past weekend I made ricotta cheese - so easy and easy to make it soft and creamy or firm. I used 101 Cookbooks recipe/directions.

    My own blog is not a food blog, but I sometimes post things I try and I did post the ricotta proceedings.

    And now I have another reason to make it again.

  2. omg this looks.... awesome. can't wait to make this for ladies night!

  3. Ann - I bet this would be fantastic with homemade ricotta!!

  4. Heather - I hope the ladies like it!

  5. mmm looks delicious! i love cannoli filling, i would definitely eat it straight from the bowl!

  6. That looks beautiful and delicious! Yummm!!

  7. amy grace - It is sooo good from the bowl!

  8. RebekahRose - Thank you so much!

  9. Made this for Julie St's baby shower this weekend. REALLY good!! Dipped strawberries, pineapple, and cantaloupe. YUM! Thanks.

  10. I've been missing in action of late with visitors from points west. I will play catch up on your lovely blog posts next week. However, I am kicking off the summer season with this delicious-sounding recipe.....I know my houseguests will love it! Happy summer Katie. I hope you are well and happy and that life is good. -- LC {down in Huntsville}

  11. Linda - I'm so glad everyone liked it!

  12. LC - I've missed you! I was wondering where you've been - glad to hear you've just been busy having fun! I hope your guests enjoyed this recipe :)

  13. I've always wanted to just eat cannoli filling with a spoon...looks like this is my chance! This looks absolutely delectable and I can't wait to try it :)

  14. Angela - I'm with you - the filling is the best part!

  15. haha, i printed this out when you first posted it... and didn't make it until friday night. it was AMAZING!!!!! this will be my new go to party food- it was so easy, and is DELICIOUS. next time i'll bring graham crackers in addition to the strawberries though!

  16. I made this last night for a party I'm hosting tomorrow. It tastes amazing! I had some chocolate graham crackers (in addition to the strawberries I'll serve tomorrow night) to use for taste-testing. Thanks for sharing this recipe!
