
Monday, August 23, 2010

Grilled Portobello Paninis

I don’t know about you, but I get start to get bored if I eat the same thing more than two days in a row. (Ok, that’s not true for breakfast, but definitely for lunch and dinner.) Stan is the total opposite – he’s been eating the same sandwiches almost every weekday for the past three years. Turkey, cheese, mayo, and mustard. Every day. I don’t know how he does it. Creature of habit I guess.

Regardless, sandwiches are the perfect lunch – quick, easy, portable, and if made right, delicious. Today’s sandwich combines some of my favorite ingredients: big, meaty portobello mushrooms grilled to juicy perfection; smoky roasted red peppers; creamy goat cheese; and slightly bitter baby arugula. Layered between slices of crusty Italian bread, these fillings make for one deliciously savory sandwich. Even Stan, a hardcore meat-eater, really enjoyed this one. As for me, I’ll definitely be making this sandwich again soon – and often. Certainly not everyday for three years straight, but often.

Grilled Portobello Paninis

2 portobello mushrooms, stems removed
4 thin slices crusty bread
1 whole roasted red pepper, cut into 4 pieces *
1/2 cup baby arugula or baby spinach
4 T. soft goat cheese, divided
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper

Drizzle both sides of each mushroom with a little olive oil (about 1/2 tsp. per side). Generously sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and pepper.

Place the mushrooms on a grill pan and grill for 4 minutes per side over medium-high heat. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and thinly slice them on an angle. (Keep the pan on the heat. You’ll need it again in a minute.)

While the mushrooms are cooking, spread 1 tablespoon of goat cheese on each slice of bread.

Place half of the mushroom slices on one slice of the bread (on top of the goat cheese).

Top the mushrooms with 2 pieces of red pepper.

Pile half of the arugula on top of the peppers.

Sprinkle the sandwich with a little salt and pepper and top with another slice of bread. Repeat with the rest of the ingredients to make a second sandwich.

Brush the outside of the sandwiches with olive oil or spray them with cooking spray. Place the sandwiches in the grill pan and cook, flipping once, until golden brown and crispy.

Remove the sandwiches from the grill pan, slice in half, and serve immediately.

Makes 2 sandwiches.


  1. My fiance and I made these, and added avocado (spoiled Californians). YUM!

  2. Mmm... avocado makes everything better! And you Californians are indeed spoiled by amazing, inexpensive produce!!
